Rules for Articles Publishing

  1. The periodical on-line issue publishes original scientific articles, scientific research results, theoretical and experimental works performed by the scientific and pedagogical staff of scientific and educational organizations (institutions), applicants for scientific degrees, as well as citizens conducting scientific research as a personal initiative.

  2. The article submitted for publication should be relevant, have novelty, contain the setting of tasks (problems), an assessment of the degree of their scientific development, a description of the main results of the study obtained by the author, conclusions, as well as comply with the design rules.

  3. The originality of the text is checked by the editors office of the publication using the specialized software «Antiplagiat» ( Manuscripts with originality of the text can be accepted for publication (while correct borrowings from one source cannot be more than 7%, borrowings are not allowed in the conclusions) not less than 70%.

  4. All works received by the editors office are refereed.

  5. The decision to include the article in the academic journal is based on the results of checking the manuscript for originality and in accordance with the recommendations of reviewers.

  6. For the publication of a scientific article, the Founder does not make payments to the author(s). He also does not pay fee to the author(s) for the perpetual rights transferred under the agreement to place an electronic version of his article and the right to use the work.

  7. Publication of articles in an academic journal is free for authors.

  8. The materials published in the academic journal should not contain information related to state, official or commercial secrets.

  9. The authors are responsible for the reliability of the given facts, quotes, statistical and sociological data, surnames and initials. The materials should not contain data that are not subject to open publication.

  10. Articles in the academic journal are published in Russian.

  11. Articles executed in violation of the requirements are not accepted for publication.