About us

Founder and publisher: Federal State-owned Military Enterprise of Higher Education “Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation”.

RSCI: publication is publicly available and indexed in the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI) system (license agreement with the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.ru dated 19.09.2020 No. 398-09/2020).

Media registration number: EL No. FS 77-84742 dated 03.03.2023 in the register of registered media of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications.

ISSN (online): 2949-5245.

Online publication Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops publishes original scientific articles on the following branches of science (groups of scientific specialties):

by group of scientific specialties:
5.1. Law;
5.4. Sociology;
5.8. Pedagogy;

in scientific specialties:
5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences;
5.1.2. Public Law (State Law) Sciences;
5.1.4. Criminal Law Sciences;
5.4.1. Theory, methodology and history of sociology;
5.4.2. Economic sociology;
5.4.6.  Sociology of culture;
5.4.7. Sociology of management;
5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education;
5.8.2. Theory and methodology of training and education (by areas and levels of education);
5.8.4. Physical education and professional physical training;
5.8.7. Methodology and technology of vocational education.

Publication frequency – 4 times a year (1 times a quarter).

Based on the recommendation of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 24, 2021 No. 118, a new nomenclature of scientific specialties was approved, according to which academic degrees are awarded.

The editors online edition Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops have been forming issues of the journal according the new nomenclature since January 1, 2022.

Publication headings: Pedagogical sciences. Sociological sciences. Legal sciences. For the convenience of determining the heading of the journal  before submitting an article we suggest using the pairing table for the old and new nomenclature of scientific specialties, as well as study the passports of scientific specialties on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission.
5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences 12.00.01 – Theory And History Of Law And The State; History Of Teachings About Law And The State
5.1.2. Public Law (State Law) Sciences 12.00.02 – Constitutional Law; Constitutional Judicial Process; Municipal Law
12.00.04 – Financial Law; Tax Law; Budget Law
12.00.05 – Labour Law; Social Security Law (In The Field Of Public Law Regulation In The Field Of Labor And Employment. Legal Regulation Of Social Security And Social Protection)
12.00.06 – Land Law; Natural Resource Law; Environmental Law; Agrarian Law (In The Field Of Public Legal Regulation Of Environmental Protection, Nature Management, Land Relations And Urban Planning)
12.00.07 – Corporate Law; Competition Law; Energy Law (In The Field Of Public Law Regulation In The Economic Sphere. Development And Protection Of Competition. Technical Regulation
12.00.11 – Judicial Activity Prosecutorial Activity, Human Rights And Law Enforcement Activity
12.00.13 – Information Technologies Law
12.00.14 – Administrative Law, Administrative Procedure
5.1.4. Criminal Law Sciences 12.00.08 – Criminal Law And Criminology; Penal Law
12.00.09 – Criminal Trial 12.00.12 – Criminalistics; Forensic Activities; Operational-Search Activities
5.4.2. Economic Sociology 22.00.03 – Economic Sociology And Demography (Sociological Sciences)
5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History Of Pedagogy And Education
13.00.05 – Theory, Methodology And Organization Of Social And Cultural Activities
5.8.4. Physical Education and Physical Training 13.00.04 – Theory And Methodology Of Physical Education, Sports Training, Health And Adaptive Physical Culture