Editorial ethics

  1. Revision Ethics

In its activities the editorial board of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific, objectivity, professionalism, impartiality. Unpublished data of manuscripts cannot be used for personal purposes or transmitted to the third parties without written consent of the author.

  1. Ethical Responsibility

Researchers, authors, reviewers and the editor have ethical obligations regarding the publication and dissemination of scientific research results. When deciding on publication, the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal must be sure of the accuracy data and scientific significance of the work. The editors have the right to prevent the publication of information if the sufficient reason is plagiarism.

  1. Norms of communication with authors

Interaction with authors is based on the principles of fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency.

  1. Availability of peer review institute

All the content of the journal, except for editorial, is subject to mandatory peer review by independent experts (open, blind, double-blind). The reviewer carries out a scientific examination of the author’s materials. His actions are unbiased.

  1. Access to publications

The journal guarantees access to publications by ensuring the storage of materials in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.ru.

  1. Informational openness

On the publication page in the Internet, provisions on publication ethics and peer review are published. The journal policy, rules for submitting manuscripts, instructions for authors and information on the availability of materials (free access) are clearly formulated.

  1. Free Services Information

All information about free services is clearly registered and available on the publication’s website.

  1. Compliance with ethical criteria of authorship

The author is only a person who was largely involved in the writing of the work, in the development of its concept, in scientific design, material collection, analysis and interpretation.

The consent of all authors to publication is mandatory. All co-authors must meet these criteria.

The principles that should be guided by the author of scientific publications:

— the authors of the article should provide reliable results of the studies. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable;

— the authors must be sure that the study results outlined in the submitted manuscript are entirely original. Borrowed fragments or approvals shall be executed with obligatory indication of the author and the primary source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformed quotations, paraphrasing or appropriation of rights to the results of other people’s research, is unethical and unacceptable. It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who influenced the course of the study. The article should contain references to the work that mattered in the in the study;

— the authors should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been submitted to another journal. The manuscript should not be under review, and published in another journal;

— the co-authors of the article should indicate all persons who made a significant contribution to the conducting research.

The journal editors office has the right to reject any submitted material that does not comply with the above principles.

  1. Approval of the final text of the article with the author

The publication of an article by the name of the author implies the emergence of copyright. The publication of the text not agreed with the author, as well as the inclusion of unauthorized persons among the co-authors, is a violation of copyright.