Requirements for the Articles Execution

  1. The scientific article should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the elements of the article, have a clear structure and contain:
    — UDC (universal decimal classification);
    — Full name of the author(s) (in Russian and English);
    — title of article (title) (in Russian and English);
    — abstract (in Russian and English);
    — keywords (in Russian and English);
    — main text of the article;
    — conclusion;
    — bibliography.
  1. The article prepared by the author (or the author’s team – no more than three people) shall be submitted to the journal with a volume of at least 5 and no more than 17 pages.

  2. The title of the article should correspond the main topic of the research. Only commonly accepted abbreviations can be used in the title.

  3. The abstract should be informative, meaningful, structured and original. The volume of the abstract must not exceed 250 words.

  4. Keywords express the main semantic content of the article, serve as a guide for the reader and are used to search for articles in electronic databases. Keywords are placed after the abstract. The number of keywords must not be less than 3 and more than 15 words.

  5. The text of the scientific article should be presented in a concise, clear, scientific language, with full justification of the scientific results obtained. If necessary, the results are confirmed by illustrations, tables, graphs, figures. Illustrative material should be clear and high-quality.

  6. The author (authors) is responsible for the content of the article (accuracy of the quotes, facts, and statistics given in the manuscript).

  7. The bibliography is compiled in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic reference. General Requirements and Rules of Preparation». The bibliography includes citations that are mentioned or cited in the main text of the article. References in the text are made in square brackets. Reference are numbered and arranged in the order of citation in the text of the article.

  8. When typing an article, the Word text editor (Libre Office) and the Times New Roman (Liberation Serif) font are used (pin – 14 pt., line spacing – single, base indentation – 1.25 cm).

  9. The text is printed to the full width of the A4 format page (not divided into columns) and aligned to the width. Page setup: left, right, top, and bottom – 20 mm.

    Pages are numbered at the top of the page with center alignment, the distance to the number from the edge of the sheet is 10 mm, the first page is not numbered.

    Manual hyphenation and additional spaces are not used. In the Russian-language text, quotes «double guillemets» are used, when highlighting inside quotes and in text in foreign languages – «double quotes».

    The punctuation and graphic difference «–» (dash: «Ctrl» + «Alt» + «minus» on the right numerical keyboard) from «–» (hyphen) must be observed.

    Designations of units of measurement of various quantities must be preceded by a continuous space sign («Shift» + «Ctrl» + «Space»), marking the imposition of a ban on their separation when layout from the number or word they define. The same applies to a set of initials and surnames.
  1. Articles executed in violation of the requirements are not accepted for publication.