Bashlykov А. М. Quality management of professional training of cadets in the introduction of distance learning format

Abstract. The article considers the possibility of introducing a distance learning format in military educational institutions of higher education of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation. A detailed analysis of the existing types of training sessions revealed the positive and negative aspects of distance learning for cadets in the conditions of restrictions imposed in connection with coronavirus infection. The author theoretically substantiates that when conducting certain types of training sessions, such as group or practical, it becomes impossible to achieve the desired quality of professional training of cadets, which is primarily due to the need to use the appropriate educational and material base in the organization of their conduct.
Keywords: quality management, professional training, national guard troops
For citation: Bashlykov А. М. Quality management of professional training of cadets in the introduction of distance learning format. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2020;(1):87-90. Available from: (In Russ.).