Bychenko Yu. G., Korchagin M. V. Sociological Technologies for Identifying Informal Leaders in Military Collectives

Abstract. As a result of the theoretical concepts analysis the authors state that in order to identify informal leadership it is necessary to use a sociological survey as the main sociological technology for identifying informal leaders in military collectives. The necessity of following principles is proved: using sociometry to identify the leadership potential of each member of a military group according to the universal criterion of sympathy or antipathy; referentometry to identify the reference (leading) group of military personnel, with which respondents relate themselves, the necessary military values, norms, principles of military professional activity; collective rating to identify the internal hierarchy of the military team.
Keywords: sociological technologies, informal leaders, military collectives, sociometry, referentometry, collective rating
For citation: Bychenko Yu. G., Korchagin M. V. Sociological Technologies for Identifying Informal Leaders in Military Collectives. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(3):69-75. Available from: (In Russ.).