Boldyrev A. N. Criteria for Assessing the Organizational Culture of the Military Team

Abstract. The article presents the analysis of concepts exploring the criteria for assessing organizational culture. The author proves the necessity to use the developments and recommendations of researchers in modern conditions. An integrated system of criteria for assessing organizational culture based on the conducted scientific generalizations is given: basic (social needs, declared values, principles, norms of behavior and actions of members of the organization) and additional (behavioral practices, style of labor interaction, motivational system of behavior, the desire to accept ideas, ideals, principles and norms of the organization, the presence or absence of preferences to carry out actions in the context of the provisions, values, norms, principles of the organization).
Keywords: organizational culture, military team, potential, needs, values, principles, norms of behavior
For citation: Boldyrev A. N. Criteria for Assessing the Organizational Culture of the Military Team. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(3):65-68. Available from: (In Russ.).