Otryizhko V. A. Formation of special shooting endurance and stability in firing at the cadets of a Military Institute in the process of Fire Training

Abstract. It is observed that very often a certain part of cadets does not have any effectivity growth in spite of shooting exercises performing and external absence of mistakes. The lack of progress in shooting reduces the learners’ motivation towards the shooting techniques qualitative mastering and affects moral and volitional component of their personality not in the best way. As a rule, the main reason for this is the low level of certain shooting qualities in learners, most often special shooting endurance and stability in firing.
The article discusses general approaches to the formation of these qualities at the cadets of a military institute and suggests methods and techniques for their development.
Keywords: special shooting endurance, stability in firing, technical training, special exercises, motor coordination, vestibular stability
For citation: Otryizhko V. A. Formation of special shooting endurance and stability in firing at the cadets of a Military Institute in the process of Fire Training. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(3):34-41. Available from: https://svkinio.ru/2023/3(12)/Otryizhko.pdf. (In Russ.).