Sovkich P. A. Problems of Legal Education of the Law Enforcement Troops Military Personnel Performing Contract Military Service as Soldiers and Sergeants

Abstract. The article analyzes the main peculiarities of the legal education of the Russian Federation National Guard Troops military personnel performing contract military service as soldiers and sergeants. Special attention is payed to the analysis of the problems of legal education of this category of military personnel as well as the identification of possible ways to solve them.
Keywords: National Guard Troops, contract military service, legal education, legal consciousness, legal culture, deformations of legal consciousness
For citation: Sovkich P. A. Problems of Legal Education of the Law Enforcement Troops Military Personnel Performing Contract Military Service as Soldiers and Sergeants. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(2):102-107. Available from: (In Russ.).