Ovsyannikov S. Yu., Sorokov S. P. Military and Political Stability Cadets’ Formation in the Process of Legal Disciplines Studying at the  Universities of the Russian Federation’s National Guard Troops

Abstract. The concepts of military-political and moral-political stability are revealed in the  article. The features of these qualities formation in the process of legal disciplines cadets’ studying at the Universities of the Russian Federation’s National Guard Troops are regarded.
Keywords: the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, military personnel, cadet, officer, military-political stability, moral and political stability, morality, politics, ethic, legal rules, legality, training, education
For citation: Ovsyannikov S. Yu., Sorokov S. P. Military and Political Stability Cadets’ Formation in the Process of Legal Disciplines Studying at the  Universities of the Russian Federation’s National Guard Troops. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(2):96-101. Available from: https://svkinio.ru/2023/2(11)/Ovsyannikov_Sorokov.pdf. (In Russ.).