Boldyrev A. N. Cultural Environment of a Serviceman’s Operating

Abstract. The article is devoted to clarifying the essence of cultural environment of a serviceman’s operating. It is also devoted to identifying some problems of a favorable cultural environment forming in a military collective. The author considered the basic scientific approaches to the studying problem, gave a general description of the current state of the cultural environment in military units. He proved that the cultural environment of a serviceman’s operating is a set of cultural understandings, preferences, a serviceman’s actions localized within the social space specific boundaries of the military collective.
Keywords: cultural environment, military personnel, military collective, values, principles, principles, norms of operating
For citation: Boldyrev A. N. Cultural Environment of a Serviceman’s Operating. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(2):63-68. Available from: (In Russ.).