Petryaev S. V. Influence of Night Conditions on the Process of  Operational Tactics Cadets Training at the Lessons

Abstract. In modern conditions, the ability of units to operate confidently at night is the key to the successful carrying out service-combat missions. It is an urgent need due to present ways and methods of warfare. The night operations abruptness ensures success by increasing the effectiveness of the impact on the enemy, even with its superiority in weapons and equipment. Some factors that influence on the cadets training process at night  are discussed in the article. The importance of classes on the tactics of service and combat units usage conducted at night is provided.
Keywords: night conditions, learning process, combat operations, classes conducted at night, combat training
For citation: Petryaev S. V. Influence of Night Conditions on the Process of  Operational Tactics Cadets Training at the Lessons. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(2):40-44. Available from: (In Russ.).