Egorov D. A., Nikonorov A. A. The role of an Officer’s Personal Example in the Value-semantic Orientations Formation of the Military Educational Institutions of Higher Education of the Russian Federation’s National Guard Troops Cadets

Abstract. The value-semantic orientations and their formation in cadets are discussed in the  article. Current requirements for graduates are presented. The influence of the officers’ personal example on the personal qualities formation of  the cadets in the military educational institutions of higher education are regarded.
Keywords: values, value orientations, value-semantic orientations, formation, interiorization, identification, internalization, personal example of an officer, qualities
For citation: Egorov D. A., Nikonorov A. A. The role of an Officer’s Personal Example in the Value-semantic Orientations Formation of the Military Educational Institutions of Higher Education of the Russian Federation’s National Guard Troops Cadets. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(2):26-34. Available from: (In Russ.).