Dzgoev B. M., Barangov A. O. Formation of independent academic activity experience in the system of vocational training of the cadets of the military education institutions of higher education for the RF National Guard Troops

Abstract. The article pays attention to increasing  actual continuity of the independent academic activity experience at the present stage of society and state development; significance and place of the cadets’ independent academic activity experience development in the system of vocational training at the institutes of the National Guard Troops, as well as its goals, functions, didactic means and organization peculiarities are examined. The article describes the main elements of the vocational training which facilitate the formation of the experience to be considered. The skills and abilities showing the existence of the formed experience of the independent educational activity are specified.
Keywords: independence, experience, formation of experience, academic activity, independent academic activity, cadet
For citation: Dzgoev B. M., Barangov A. O. Formation of independent academic activity experience in the system of vocational training of the cadets of the military education institutions of higher education for the RF National Guard Troops. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(2):15-20. Available from: (In Russ.).