Andreev Yu. Yu.,  Gasankhanov Sh. Z., Matorin D. O. Organization and Teaching Techniques of Lessons in Special Functional Training with Military Personnel and Employees of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The relevance of the problem is grounded in the article. It is to develop and  improve  the Russian Federation’s National Guard Troops personnel  such  basic physical qualities as strength, general and special strength endurance during the lessons of special functional training that help to fulfill  service-combat tasks  successfully. The  ways of classes organizing such as frontal, group, inline, individual and individual-group are indicated  and described. The general methods of the discipline «Physical training», they are: equable, variable, interval, repeated, control, competitive, circular are also presented. The basic concepts of functional training special methods, such as  «EMOM», «AMRAP», «AFAP», «Circular» (interval), and methods of training exercises organizing are revealed. The content of such training is given. The phases of special functional training conducting considering the level of personnel’s physical fitness are indicated.
Keywords: physical training, soldier, physical exercises, phase, method, way, organization, means
For citation: Andreev Yu. Yu.,  Gasankhanov Sh. Z., Matorin D. O. Organization and Teaching Techniques of Lessons in Special Functional Training with Military Personnel and Employees of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Izvestiya Saratovskogo voennogo instituta voysk natsional’noy gvardii. 2023;(2):7-14. Available from: (In Russ.).