Korchagin M. V. Hazing as a Form of Negative Leadership: Socio-historical Aspect

Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of the concept of hazing as a form of negative leadership. It carried out a retrospective analysis of the characteristic features of relations in the team, in connection with which the reasons for the manifestation of this phenomenon in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space are described. The article indicates the spread of the phenomenon of hazing depending on the conditions of service. The article also presents the main factors for the emergence of negative leadership in the team.
Keywords: hazing, army, navy, team, leadership, negative leadership, personality
For citation: Korchagin M. V. Hazing as a Form of Negative Leadership: Socio-historical Aspect. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2023;(1):50-55. Available from: https://svkinio.ru/2023/1(10)/Korchagin.pdf. (In Russ.).