Egorov A. V. Social-managerial assessment of the culture of marital relations in military families

Abstract. The article presents: 1) the rationale of  the importance of studying the social and managerial aspect of assessing the culture of marital relations in military families; 2) theoretical analysis of approaches to management assessment of the culture of marital relations, the integrated principles of this assessment; 3) empirical analysis of the  sociological study results “Addressed formation of a culture of family relations in military personnel”. In conclusion, the article proves that diagnostics (assessment) of the culture of relations between spouses in military families must be carried out at two levels. First level: proclaimed (declared ideas, knowledge, values, principles, norms of behavior of spouses). Second level: behavioral (ideas, knowledge, values, principles, norms of behavior of spouses applied in practice).
Keywords: social and managerial diagnostics, sociological assessment, culture of marital relations, families of military personnel
For citation: Egorov A. V. Social-managerial assessment of the culture of marital relations in military families. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2024;(1):77-81. Available from: (In Russ.).