Bychenko Yu. G. Ways to improve the professional motivation of cadets of the military institute

Abstract. The article analyzes theoretical approaches to mechanisms for improving the professional motivation of cadets of the military institute.  that the Professional motivation  is proved to be not only  a set of motivations  of a military profession choice  but also the need for the long-term performance of professional duties of a soldier. The article offers the ways of improvement in professional motivation of cadets of military institute. First. Updating of factors of material stimulation of military professional activity of cadets. Formation of an additional fund of payment, formed and distributed according to the results of administrative diagnostics of educational and military professional activity of cadets. Second. Organizational improvement of the activity of cadet military collective of the Military Institute: addressed  formation of military values and needs of cadets in active educational, military and scientific activities; providing conditions and stimulation of analytical professional activity activation of cadets; expansion of non-strategic administrative management functions of self-government, granting the right to subdivisions to independently solve everyday problems; filling both service and labor, and educational practices of students with scientific and creative content.
Keywords: motivation, motivational potential, serviceman, cadet, professional activity
For citation: Bychenko Yu. G. Ways to improve the professional motivation of cadets of the military institute. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2024;(1):72-76. Available from: (In Russ.).