Semenov K. P., Frolova G. S. Problematic  issues of studying modern information technologies by cadets of military educational institutions of higher education of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

Abstract. Modern higher education is aimed at the development of a specialist ready to employ the up-to-date scientific and technical achievements as well as at  solving various tasks including non-routine problems in the surrounding reality using his store of knowledge and  the activity methods and skills in a specific subject area. It is impossible to achieve this aim without mastering modern information technologies. It is very important to not only be able to use them while solving various tasks but also to understand their inner workings and functioning mechanism. The article concerns the questions of modern information technology studying by the cadets and military students of the military education institutions of higher education for the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation being trained at “National Security Legal Provision” specialty. The problems in this area are emphasized, ways of their solving are described, the results obtained are analyzed.
Keywords: information technologies, automated working station, software, teaching and learning process
For citation: Semenov K. P., Frolova G. S. Problematic  issues of studying modern information technologies by cadets of military educational institutions of higher education of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2024;(1):45-53. Available from: (In Russ.).