Shipit’ko A. B. The USSR State System Evolution during the Postwar Period (1945-1953): The Histirical and Legal Aspect

Abstract. The historical and legal aspects of the Soviet state-political system development in the post-war years, which became the last period of the I. V. Stalin’s dictatorship are regarded. The factors of the statehood development, such as tightening of society control, the growth of the Stalin’s cult, the reorganization of the state apparatus, and increased repression are revealed.
Keywords: state system of the USSR, Politburo of the Central Committee of All-Union Communist Party(b), Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Constitution of the USSR, political system, judicial system, internal affairs bodies, All-Union Communist Party(b), Soviet Union Communist Party
For citation: Shipit’ko A. B. The USSR State System Evolution during the Postwar Period (1945-1953): The Histirical and Legal Aspect. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2023;(4):122-128. Available from: (In Russ.).