Sovkich P. A., Boyko S. V. The National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation as the subject of public security provision

Abstract. The article studies the main features of the activity of the Russian Federation National Guard Troops as the subject of public security.
The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the factors significantly influencing the specifics of the National Guard Troops activities aiming at public safety provision in contemporary Russia, and, first of all the mission of the troops as the military organization, their role and place in the mechanism of the contemporary Russian state, the main features of the organization and realization of the National Guard Troops interaction with other elements of the public security provision mechanism.
Keywords: National Guard Troops, public security, public order, mechanism of the state
For citation: Sovkich P. A., Boyko S. V. The National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation as the subject of public security provision. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2023;(4):105-110. Available from: (In Russ.).