Pikhtelev A. M., Bychenko Yu. G. Theoretical justification of the concept of «Officer honor»

Abstract. Moral traditions in the officer corps of the Russian army have always played an important role. Brought up on the concepts of honor, the officers cherished the honor of the uniform, the honor of the regiment, and their personal honor. Military organizations pay great attention to the behavior of the officer, both in service and outside it. In this regard, the need arose for a theoretical substantiation of the concept of «officer honor». The authors of the article reveal the essence and content of this concept, determine its place in the life of a Russian officer, and also substantiate the relationship with spiritual values.
Keywords: officer’s honor, concept, actor, fatherland, military duty
For citation: Pikhtelev A. M., Bychenko Yu. G. Theoretical justification of the concept of «Officer honor». Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2020;(1):196-200. Available from: https://svkinio.ru/2020/1(1)/Pikhtelev_Bychenko.pdf. (In Russ.).