Bychenko Yu. G. Updating human potential in the conditions of Russia’s transition to an innovative way of development

Abstract. The innovative transformation of Russian society involves the modernization of the processes of expanded reproduction of human resources. These resources under the conditions of reform are a basic factor not only in the accumulation of material and spiritual values of society, but also determines the sustainable transformation of the qualitative characteristics of the economy. In fact, the renewal of the human potential of society as a whole and the individual employee in particular changes the social status of labor actors, creates objective conditions for their professional and career growth.
Keywords: human potential, digital transformation, digital economy, reproduction, status, society
For citation: Bychenko Yu. G. Updating human potential in the conditions of Russia’s transition to an innovative way of development. Izvestija of the Saratov Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. 2020;(1):182-186. Available from: (In Russ.).